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Story Layers: Session 19 Reflections

I had a lot of fun this session. I was in kind of a crummy mood earlier in the day and this was a great end to it! Thanks to everyone involved; players, T2T peeps, the chat and you, for reading this.
Some weeks you have to play the game to find out what happens. I've been reading a lot of Fate Core and more collaborative, improvisational RPG books this week, with the result that my game prep went down to almost nothing. My rationale for this:
  1. We know what happened last time.
  2. The building action is pretty clear for the players. They are 'in action' against particular foes and meeting with known allies, so they are going where I expect or doing something totally different.
  3. I feel comfortable doing this.
Given those things, I decided that I wouldn't stress the prep this week because I just wasn't feeling it. I knew what I thought would happen and what information I thought was necessary.
My players surprised me, for sure. That's part of the fun of RPG games! You get to build a story and come up with ideas alongside your friends. I embraced that this week.
I was really looking forward to more input from our new player. I got that and was glad for it.
I expected some hi-jinks. I got that. It was good, because I expected some combat to happen but it continued in a different direction and gave me a clear indication of what the players wanted (combat and some revenge).
The players also tell me what they want by the way that the game continues forward. The actions they take, the foes they confront tell me what they want to see in future sessions. I hope that they will enjoy it and also be surprised by it! I won't spoil that now.
A big thing that I'm going to call out here (very minor spoiler) is that I'm trying to build consequences around the players and the things they want. Some of this is how players enter the game, most of it is how they continue to interact with the game. When I get indication of what they want to see, I build consequences around the decisions that are made. Even simple things like the PCs asking for information or calling on NPCs to assist them- I want these to matter. So there will be some of that; nothing crazy, just consequences.
